Opening & Options
All three and four year olds are entilted to 15 hours of early education for 38 weeks a year starting from the term after the child turns 3.
For eligible parnets we also offer Early Education Entiltment for 2 year olds (15 hours per week) and 3 and 4 years (30 hours per week) for 38 weeks a year starting from the term after the child turns 2 or 3. Parents must apply for this funding via the GOV.UK website here and provide their unique code in good time for the funding to be claimed. This must be done by the following dates for each term:
Spring term - 31st December
Summer Term - 31st March
Autumn Term - 31st August
Term Time Provison - 38 Weeks
2 , 3 & 4 Year Funding - 15 hours a week - 38 weeks per year
Attendance for term time only places is offered as follows:
5 Mornings - 9 am - 12pm
5 Afternoons - 1 pm - 4 pm
2 Days - 9 am - 4. 30 pm
Cost - Consumable charge £12.50p per week paid in advance monthly
Children attending full days at nursery can either be provided with a packed lunch from home or nursery meals can be purchased at an additional cost of £5 per day this includes lunch, pudding and tea.
If you decide to send a packed lunch and struggling to think of lunchbox ideas feel free to look at this page
Term Time Provison - 38 Weeks
3 & 4 Year Funding - 30 hours a week - 38 weeks per year
Attendance for term time only places is offered as follows:
5 Days - 9 am - 3 pm
4 Days - 9 am - 4.30 pm
3 Days - 8 am - 6 pm
Cost - Consumable charge £20.00p per week paid in advance monthly
Children attending nursery can either be provided with a packed lunch from home or nursery meals can be purchased at an additional cost of £5 per day this includes lunch, pudding and tea.
If you decide to send a packed lunch and struggling to think of different ideas feel free to look at this page